Did you know that ReadyRosie qualifies for ESSA & ESSER funding? View ESSA & ESSER Resources

Research-based, Evidence-Informed Family Engagement

ReadyRosie is a family engagement and early learning resource that has been shown to have positive impacts on family behaviors and child outcomes. ReadyRosie was designed to help teachers strengthen the connections between school and home with high- quality, equitable resources. ReadyRosie provides

  • over 1,500 mobile-friendly videos that show real families modeling fun activities that support classroom learning in authentic ways;
  • over 80 research and answer videos that provide bite-sized learning from the leading voices in education
  • ready-made, interactive family workshops and resources; and
  • powerful and timely professional development

Deepen and Scale Family Engagement

Measure impact with qualitative and quantitative data

Customize content for families, track progress, and assess data to measure impact. Families can comment on shared content and provide powerful insights about their children and their family goals. Administrators can track program-level and individual user data by engagement tied to learning and family outcomes.

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ready rosie dashboard

Create collaborative and goal-oriented family partnerships with ready-made educator resources

Ready-made educator resources include facilitator guides to conduct interactive family workshops in English and Spanish, parent-teacher conference resources, and more. Build strong and reciprocal relationships, create intentional connections between school and home, and promote family bonding.

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A father and son with screenshots from the ReadyRosie Family App

Build educator capacity to drive meaningful relationships with families

Give educators the tools, knowledge, and confidence they need to strengthen the family–school partnership, implement ReadyRosie to fidelity, and ultimately improve child outcomes with virtual, in-person, or online professional development offerings.

Explore Our PD

multiple educators in person and video call

Strengthen the Connections Between School and Home

Better serve all families with evidence-informed and research-based family engagement

ReadyRosie, an evidence-informed, research-based family engagement resource and parenting curriculum that is uniquely content-driven and informed by seven essentials for transformative family partnerships, has been shown to have positive impacts on family behaviors and child outcomes.

Learn About our Research

Authentically model family and child interactions through videos in English and Spanish

Support families with mobile-friendly ReadyRosie Modeled Moments videos, which are filmed in English and Spanish, aligned with Intentional Teaching Experiences and objectives for development and learning, and show real families modeling fun activities that support classroom learning in authentic ways.


Boost confidence with bite-sized learning from the leading voices in education

Our Research and Answers videos are made in partnership with experts in the field to provide educators and families with information on the topics they care about most, such as social-emotional learning, discipline, screen time, and healthy communication, in an accessible format.

happy child with parents outdoors

Strengthen the Connections Between School and Home

Build meaningful partnerships with families to improve child outcomes and overcome barriers so that every child in your program benefits.

Talk to an Expert

ReadyRosie is so different because it models for the parent how to foster learning for their child, and they feel empowered. They are their child’s first and best lifelong teacher. When they gain those skills and knowledge about how to support their child’s learning, development, and school readiness, you see them stand a little taller because they are the ones that actually helped their child.
Martha Strickland, State Director, 4K Program,
South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness
Columbia, South Carolina

More Reasons to Love ReadyRosie

Aligned to Your Early Learning Standards

Aligned to early learning guidelines in each state, the Teaching Strategies objectives for development and learning, and The Creative Curriculum so you can demonstrate that your program is meeting all requirements while focusing on the needs of individual children.

View Alignments

Aligned to Head Start ELOF & Meets Parenting Curriculum Requirements

Aligned to the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework so you can demonstrate that your Head Start program is meeting all requirements

More on Head Start

Meets Title 1 Recommendations for Family Engagement

ReadyRosie is a birth through elementary cohesive family engagement resource that facilitates family partnerships for powerful student outcomes for schools receiving Title I funds.

Meet ESSA Family Engagement Requirements

Qualify for ESSER Funding

ReadyRosie can be purchased with funds from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER Fund), established as part of the Education Stabilization Fund in The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

Download Funding Guide

Make intentional connections between classroom learning and family engagement

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