Free eBook
An Early Childhood Educator’s Guide to a Whole-Child Approach

What is the whole-child approach? And how can it transform your classroom?
A whole-child approach fosters all areas of development and learning, helping each child grow in their own way and creating classrooms full of possibilities.
Our new eBook, An Early Childhood Educator’s Guide to a Whole-Child Approach, covers everything you need to know about this approach. Though a whole-child approach benefits children of all ages, this guide is intended for early learning programs serving children aged three to six years old. Topics covered include:
- whole-child instruction and assessment across content learning areas and developmental domains
- how to individualize support for all children
- ideas for creating a welcoming learning environment that celebrates and honors diversity
- guidance for minimizing disruptive behaviors
- practical strategies for implementing a whole-child approach in your classroom
Ready to learn more? Download our free eBook today.