Before the Week Begins

Plan for the week—it’s simple!
Ms. Singh logs into MyTeachingStrategies and creates her daily plans. She adds the project-based study she’ll focus on, and her daily plans auto-populate onto her calendar. Each day, and in one place, she can access everything she needs to facilitate instruction and adjust her daily plan based on the previous day’s interactions, past observations, and insights from her dashboard.
In the Classroom

7:45 AM Review
the Plan for the Day
Ms. Singh quickly logs back in, reviews her plan for the day, and makes adjustments to it based on her interactions with the children yesterday—for example, she might add additional Intentional Teaching Experiences or Mighty Minutes to support specific skills.
8:15 AM Group Discussion and Shared Writing
Ms. Singh uses a Mighty Minutes activity to engage children in a short song, game, or rhyme to get all children ready to move and play. She invites children to reflect on the question of the day and engages them in a meaningful, hands-on exploration of a study-related topic.

8:35 AM Choice Time
As children explore their interest areas, Ms. Singh adds materials like magnifying glasses, balance scales, measuring tapes, pencils, paper, and clipboards that allow children to dive deeper into their investigations and engage in shared writing.
9:50 AM Read-Aloud
Ms. Singh opens her print or digital book and reads aloud to children. She references the associated Book Discussion Card, which provides her with guidance for the first, second, and third read-aloud.
Ms. Singh uses her dry-erase Venn Diagram, which allows her to document the similarities and differences children notice about how this story compares to other stories they have read.
The book represents the cultures of many families. With so many opportunities for reading in English and Spanish, she can ensure she is providing books in children’s first languages.

10:10 AM Specials
Ms. Singh has access to a variety of Intentional Teaching Experiences for art and the outdoors, but earlier today she noticed that children were struggling with sharing and expressing strong feelings. In her Al’s Pals lesson, children meet the puppet, Al; sing a song about how to manage their feelings; and, together, create a place in their classroom where they can calm down.

10:30 AM Outdoor Experiences
During recess, Ms. Singh uses an Intentional Teaching Experience that encourages children to explore an obstacle course where she uses expandable sorting hoops, and cones.
11:55 AM Lunch and Quiet Time
When the children are resting, she logs in and documents children’s progress in GOLD, making formative assessment effortless. She adds pictures, notes, videos, samples of children’s work, and any documentation families have sent to her.

12:20 PM Focused Language
and Literacy
Ms. Singh invites children to engage in an Intentional Teaching Experience where they use music and movement to practice the syllables in their names. The entire classroom joins in to tap, clap, stomp or jump each others names.
Each Intentional Teaching Experience, and our other Daily Resources, are available in both English and Spanish. Spanish resources are not just word-for-word translations of English; instead, they are adapted to address the unique linguistic abilities of multilingual learners.
1:35 PM Focused Mathematics
Ms. Singh invites a small group of children to engage in an Intentional Teaching Experience focused on using number concepts and operations and connecting numerals to their quantities.
Each experience provides her with the guidance she needs for supporting multilingual learners, scaffolding children’s learning, and individualizing instruction for all learners.
After Children Depart
3:00 PM Support Learning at Home
On the first day of an investigation, a curated multimedia playlist is sent automatically to families via the free mobile app that includes videos and children’s books so families can easily take part in their child’s learning.
Ms. Singh can easily connect with families and communicate back and forth with them via the app, and she can share ReadyRosie Modeled Moment videos in either English or Spanish to support children’s learning at home.

3:30 PM Professional Development
With her teacher membership subscription, Ms. Singh quickly finds information on a topic she would like to learn more about. She can even connect with other educators or a coach on the topic.
Each day can bring new challenges. With Noni, she has a digital coach right in her pocket to help her practice. her own self-care and build a trauma-sensitive classroom.